Monday, May 26, 2008

How to earn money from home is hard to do,but!!!!

Work from home has become very welcome for so many people today. Working out of home seems such a wonderfully relaxed way of doing things but it isn't that simple. A lot of people start with something like a job but without the security that is offered by a regular job. What is really needed is a method that is going to provide some real independence and freedom for all of those that are willing to give it a shot and work at it.

The lure of easy money fills many of our dreams and when we work out of home, we are even more susceptible to get rich quick promises. Strangely, some of these do actually work, but rarely do they work well enough to justify the hype that usually surrounds them. The ads about data entry and paid surveys especially are full of promises of how rich you can get but you'll find the real story quite different. No one has yet become rich by just sitting around and having a great time at home, punctuating the day with a few surveys or data entry jobs.

These kinds of activities are simply not sustainable for anyone seeking a way to earn money working from home on a regular and dependable basis. It's certainly not the case that these are all scams, but scams do exist in this field, so be wary. Writing some articles for others is a very easy way that you can earn money even though you are going to have to possess some reasonable writing skills, and the more capable you are of delivering, the better off you are. Most writers begin by writing for others who sell the work as their own. The average pay therefore is about for every 500 words you write, however this can only help you to sustain yourself but will certainly not make you rich.

One of the progressions of article writing is to write for yourself and then turn around and sell them as PLR or public label rights where they are able to be a little more lucrative in the long term. Here you can market a batch of 10 or more articles on a single topic and sell it off to a few people at a cheap price. So if you priced them at a dollar apiece, you could sell that batch of ten articles to thirty people and make 0 which is a great deal more than the you would otherwise have made for it.

In order to earn good money working from home and keep it regular and dependable, you will have to work at it. It probably won't be easy at first, but after you have ironed out all the kinks and streamlined the process, it will become easier. Who knows, you could then start giving out work to writers too and this is probably when you can get into the better paying league.

How to buy Cuban Cigars!

Famous for their quality, aroma and flavor, Cuban cigars are renowned throughout the world. Indeed, they are so prized that many illegitimate dealers have been known to sell fake Cubans to unsuspecting cigar smokers. Buying from a reputable dealer can dramatically reduce the chance of you being supplied with counterfeit versions. There are legitimate mail order companies that specialize in supplying genuine Cuban's or you could try your local tobacconist.
If you are offered a box of Cuban cigars, you would be very wise to give the box a good examination first. There are a number of things you need to look for to save being caught out.

There is a great deal to be learned from the ‘Cuban cigar' box itself and is the most important thing to examine as there should be a green and white seal of warranty on the front left side that contains a seal that has a badge with a shield and hat picture. You should also see the word ‘Habanos' printed on a white sticker affixed diagonally on the upper right corner of the cigar box; be wary if it isn't.

The overall appearance of the box should be neat and clean so if the box appears damaged, smudged, frayed, marked, or if the color of the box is dull, don't buy it. The word ‘Habanos' is also heat stamped on the bottom of the box if it is genuine. It is quite normal for fake Cuban cigar boxes to have a printed paper label stuck on or a rubber stamp impression to try and forge this imprint. As an additional precaution, every box has a factory security code indicated in black, blue or green ink which informs the purchaser, when and where the cigars were rolled.

The cigars may have been damaged in transit even if the box wasn't so it is worth examining them as well. If you can open the box, take the time to smell the tobacco because Cuban cigars will have a deep, rich aroma, unmistakable to dedicated cigar aficionados. A box of authentic Cuban cigars will not have a weak or indistinct aroma so if you find yourself with a box of cigars like this they are almost certainly fakes. If the top row of cigars appears flattened, that is quite normal, but ensure that they are all facing the same way.

The foot of each cigar should have been cut cleanly plus the caps and bands, identical. If allowed, test the cigars out by pressing down on them and feel along the entire length of each cigar, checking for soft or hard spots as the cigars should feel firm yet pliable. There are a great many checks but they are all there to make sure that you are not sold a counterfeit box of Cuban cigars.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

How to Play Sudoku: Play the Puzzle that Takes the World by Storm

Do you know anything about the Rubik’s Cube? Who haven’t heard about it? Have you ever played with it? If you did and you are trying to go for a bigger challenge, try Sudoku. Sudoku is a number placement puzzle game that needs careful thought and intense patience.

Sudoku is a great puzzle that can be found anywhere from newspapers, magazines, textbooks, and on the internet. It consists of a series of grids. The grids usually involve one big 9 x 9 grid that holds, 9 3 x 3 tiny grids.

The main objective of this game is to put the numbers 1 to 9 into each of the grid units. In Sudoku, you do not have to add the numbers and look for the sum of the rows and columns. Though it is a game number, definitely there will be no addition included.

However, there are three rules that must be strictly followed. And they are:

1. Each of the numbers from 1 to 9 should come out only once in each column.
2. Each number from 1 to 9 must appear once in each row.
3. Each should appear once in each small 3 x 3 grid

These rules should be followed significantly to make sure that each 3 x 3 grid has the numbers from 1 to 9 to show in the series only once. In this way, it is assured that it increases the challenge and difficulty in playing the game.

Sudoku game puzzle comes in different levels of complexity. The total of numbers provided in the first level in the 9 x 9 matrix differs. Many people think that the game would be easy if there are more numbers given at the first level. However, this is not so true because the assignment of the each number has an intense effect in making the puzzle difficult to solve.

Now, how will you play the puzzle game?

As mentioned above, you have to follow the three rules. Once you have put that in your mind, you may start playing the game. The following are steps which you can use in playing the sudoku.

• You do not have to guess everything when playing. The Sudoku puzzle can be solved sensibly. All you have to do is to think about it carefully. The best way to begin the puzzle is by searching for the clues. Majority of the players begin by looking for the numbers that often appear in the first puzzle. For instance you have many 4’s in the first puzzle. Look in the 3 x 3 box if the number 4 is also there. Now, can you find out other places where there is also the number 4? Start looking for the no. 4 in the rows and columns. These can help you locate where the other 4’s are. Remember, the number 4 must appear only once in each of the 3 x 3 box, rows or columns. If there is already a 4 in the columns 1 and 3, then there’s should be no other 4 in any of those 2 columns. Thus, the missing 4 should be replaced in column 2. If you are able to remove all the potentials in the box, you will have a bigger chance of solving it correctly.

• At the time that you are done looking at all the 3 x 3 boxes, you must ensure to fill in the numbers 1 to 9 in the rows and columns that hold most of the numbers. If only two numbers are not in the row or column you can always do the elimination method to know where to place the last two numbers. Check the rows and the columns to locate the missing numbers. If you have eliminated one of the possibilities on each row or column, there is a chance to fill the line you are playing.

• The two steps above will help you solve the simplest or the easy Sudoku. On the other hand, difficult puzzles need players who know how to look for the possibilities of the puzzle. The possibilities basically need someone who will solve and win the puzzle with all the given different choices in every square. There may be times that there is no way to remove a possibility, so a player will have to choose any of the numbers. When this happens, it is necessary to remember where you have chosen a number and think if your first choice was wrong.

Sudoku is game of wits. Sometimes, you will feel that you are only playing a non-stop game. But, following the steps and practicing it will help you know the techniques that are helpful and will lead you to victory.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Knowing How to Throw a Party is a Great Skill to Have

We all have those couple of friends who really know how to throw a party. They do it so well and we always have the best time when they host an event. The right food and drinks are there as well as great looking guests and awesome music. Everyone has a great time and is involved completely. It feels like the best party ever every single time they host one. However, you want to be able to do what they do as well. You want to host a party and have everyone talking about it for a long time too. You just don’t know how to do it and you need some help before you take the reigns of hosting a party.

For people who have no idea how to throw a party, there is help on the way. The web has tons of information for them so they can host the next big event. They might not have the confidence to do so because they just don’t have any ideas. With all of the websites about party ideas, themes, decorations, drinks, music and so many more, you’ll be able to host a different type of party every weekend.

There are different types of parties and not just big huge bashes with over 50 people. A party can consist of the neighbors coming over for drinks, or a BBQ in your backyard. There are also surprise parties and going away parties or welcome home bashes. Whatever the occasion is, you have to know how to throw a party and make it as entertaining as possible for everyone in attendance.

You wouldn’t have the same music playing at a dance party that you would play at a quiet backyard bash. You need to know how to change it up and how to make it different. The easiest way is to have a theme party so you can have a clear flow of ideas that all come together nicely. People love theme parties too as they are different and original.

If you really feel at a loss when it comes to planning and pulling off a memorable event, why not consider hiring a professional party planner? These people know exactly how to throw a party that everyone will remember for a long time to come. You work hand-in-hand with the party planner to create an event that captures your personality. It can be anything from a birthday bash to an elaborate wedding. Hiring a party planner takes the guesswork out of the planning process and ensures that everyone who comes to the party has a really great time.

More"how to" coming soon